If you didn't respond to the blog for at least 2 warm-ups, 2 explorations and 2 fun & games, go back and do so now.
If time is short, complete your blog entries tonight.

- List something you learned from this web quest
- List something that is still unclear about quadrilaterals
- List something you'd like to know about quadrilaterals
- Rate your web quest experience from 1-5, where 1 = terrible and 5 = absolutely awesome.
it was fun and a good waste of a class period.
ReplyDeleteI learned that diagonals in a parallelogram change the area of parallelograms. I would give this a 3 or a 4.
ReplyDelete- Brianna
- i learned that you actually use math in games like tangrams & square it.
ReplyDelete-i am still a bit unclear on properties of quadrilaterals.
-I'd like to know more about irregular quadrilaterals.
List something you learned from this web quest:
ReplyDeleteI learned how to apply what i have learned about quadritlateral to daily life. Also, I have learned about how some quadrilaterals may be formed into others.
List something that is still unclear about quadrilaterals:
There is nothing that is unclear to me.
List something you'd like to know about quadrilaterals:
I would like to know more about forming quadrilaterals to other types of quadrilaterals.
Rate your web quest experience from 1-5, where 1 = terrible and 5 = absolutely awesome.
5!!! i liked it alot =D
i learned how to make tilted squares! it was confusing to do some of the explorations. i like to know how how many there are in the world.. and a out of 5 i give it a 10
I had a fun time on this web quest. One thing I learned and would like to have a better grip on is deciding wether a set of points form a certain type of quardrilateral by using the slope and distance formula.
ReplyDelete-Rebeca Eller
This was fun i really enjoyed it :)
ReplyDeleteKaren Oliveira
i learned that the paralleograms change in their area when you move them or resize thaem.
ReplyDeletei wouldd give thiss maybe a 3 or 4 :]
It was alot of the same stuff we've been learning so it was a good tie in together.
ReplyDelete-erin vb
I learned today, how hard it is to win against a computer in square it. There is nothing that is really unclear everything is really straightforward, but i would like to learn more about kites. I would rate this webpage a 5, because this was a lot of fun - rohan
ReplyDeleteThis website was fun, the games were tricky but entertaining. :) defff. 5
i felt like i didn't learn anything new, but my knowledge on quadrilaterals grew.
ReplyDeletesome things about kites are still unclear to me.
this website was a 4 out of 5. it was fun to use a new learning excersise.
i learned a greater mastery of creating quadrilaterals. How the kites opposite side is not congruent. how to create a trapezoid table. id give it a 5 absolutely. ]
ReplyDeletetimothy john williams
Something i learned from this webquest was that math can actually be fun. Something that is unclear abuot quadrialterals are the sides and adjacent stuff that are congruent. Its hard to figure out. Something i'd like to learn about quadrilaterals is hwo kits can change into squares like in one of the activities. I think the webquest activity should be given a 3 cause it wasn't amazing but it wasn't horrible. i liked it but it was confusing at times.
I learned that it is possible to create many different quadrilaterals from little information. Nothing is really unclear to me. I would like to know how many quadrilaterals can be formed from the same shape. I rate this a 4. :)
ReplyDeleteI learned that a lot of quadrilaters have special diagonal. I still don't know how to do tilted squares. I would like to win Square it.
it was torture. i know everything about queadrilaterals. i will give it a 5.
ReplyDeleteI learned a lot more aboud quadrilaterals. I don't know if the adjcent angles of a kite are congruent. I think that the quest was a 4 because it was fun but i didn't really learn anything.
ReplyDelete-- Rachael :)
how i felt about this class with the blogs was that it was fun and i learned that with each quadrilateral you can make many other shapes which is really cool and fun.Nothing is really unclear to me about quadrilaterals. I would like to know how many shapes can be made from a quadrilateral.i would rate this class activity with a 5!
ReplyDeleteI learned alot more about all the quadrilaterals. From one of the activities I learned that a square can change into rectangle and a rectangle can change into a sqaure. I also learned alot more about kites and their adjacent sides.
ReplyDelete-Alison Reisert.
i learned that not all computers support the right flash -_____-. i still dont get why there are 2 types of trapezoids. i'd like to know how to use each quadrilateral in real life. and i would rate this at a 5 cuz it was auper awesome and fun and got us out of that classroom!
I learned a lot about quadrilaterals. Nothing is unclear for me I understand about quadrilaterals. I would like to learn how to use quadrilaterals in real life. I would give it a 3.
well i learned more about the properties of kites, nothing is really unclear to me about quadrilaterals, id like to learn how to find the area of a kite, and i give it a 5 because it was really fun!
ReplyDelete~katie demouth